The APMC was created in 1974 to manage the marketing of the Crown's royalty share and lessees' royalty share of petroleum, both from Crown and freehold lands.
February 2023
APMC launches its inaugural visual identity, including its new distinct logo shown here, as well as a new website.

APMC assumes an operational oversight partnership in the Sturgeon Refinery following the Government of Alberta securing a 50% ownership stake in the refinery.
April 2021
100% of the Crown’s share of conventional oil moved to being marketed in-house.
Early 2020
Through APMC, the Government of Alberta engaged in the Keystone XL Pipeline Expansion Project. The investment included $1.5 billion in equity investment in 2020 and a $6 billion loan guarantee in 2021.
The project expected to create over 1,400 direct and 5,400 indirect jobs in Alberta during construction and generate an estimated $30 billion in tax and royalty revenues for future generations of Albertans and Canadians.
January 2014
Legislation Changes
The Building New Petroleum Markets Act, which amended the Petroleum Marketing Act, was proclaimed in force on January 10, 2014.
The amendments allowed the Minister of Energy to set APMC strategic priorities, including:
- modernizing and improving the APMC corporate rules
- giving the government the ability to appoint a board of up to 7 directors
- clarifying financial tools available to the APMC, which could include providing loans or making equity investments in projects, when authorized by the government
Two months before this amendment was proposed in the news release, New act helps Alberta reach energy potential.

Sturgeon Refinery Ground-Breaking
Marking the first refinery to be built in Canada in over 35 years!
October 2013
Legislation Changes
India’s largest refining company, Indian Oil, drafted an agreement with APMC for the purchase of Alberta crude oil in October of 2013.
The signing occurred in conjunction with the India-Canada Ministerial Dialogue on Energy, a process initiated in 2011 by the countries’ respective Prime Ministers.
The early work led to a Petrinex Project:
Legislation Changes
In 2012, the APMC’s mandate was expanded to include assisting in the development of value added activity in Alberta's petroleum sector, such as the development of the Sturgeon Refinery as well as new energy markets and transportation infrastructure.
April 1996
Functional Responsbilities
In April 1996, following an exploration of the privatization option in the fall of 1995, Gulf Canada Resources Ltd., PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd., and CANPET Energy Group Inc. were named as the companies to act as the Crown's agents in marketing Alberta's crude oil for a period of five years.
In late 1996, the Department of Energy assumed responsibility for the administration of the commission. Following all these changes, the commission remains responsible for accepting delivery of, and marketing, the Crowns royalty share of crude oil.
April 1995
Predecessor and Successor Bodies
Effective April 1st, 1995 the Department of Energy assumed all Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission responsibilities, except those directly related to the marketing of crude oil. The responsibility to market crude oil remained with the commission until it was privatized in 1996.
Administration Relationships
Beginning in 1995, the commissions annual reporting was now included in the Alberta Ministry of Energy's annual report and, from 1999-2001, in the annual reports of Resource Development.
Administrative Structure
Minor changes to the organizations structure in the following years resulted in the 1986 structure of the commission involving a:
- Finance and Administration Division,
- Crude Oil Division,
- Natural Gas and Market Analysis Division,
- and an Information Services Division.
The following year, a new section called Special Projects and Regulatory Affairs was established, becoming Market Analysis and Regulatory Affairs in 1988 when Market Analysis was transferred from the former Natural Gas and Market Analysis Division.
Since 1996, Department of Energy staff have supported the commission.
June 1985
Functional Responsibilities
Following the deregulation of the petroleum industry on June 1,1985 through the Western Accord, the commission, as an agent, continued to sell the Crown's royalty share of Alberta's crude oil production as well as its share of synthetic crude oil production from the Syncrude Canada Ltd. project.
As well, the commission marketed crude oil on behalf of producers on a contract basis. This crude oil production was purchased according to normal business practices.
January 1982
Functional Responsibilities
Following a 1977 amendment to the Petroleum Marketing Act, the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission was given responsibility for the pricing and marketing of pentanes plus, a natural-gas extract, but could not begun this until supporting regulations were passed under the Mines and Minerals Act.
The Marketing of pentanes plus began on January 1, 1982.
Administrative Structure
The Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission consists of three members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council: a chair, a vice-chair, and another member. Three divisions initially supported the work of the commission:
- Administration and Finance,
- Operations,
- Economics and Planning.
These divisions were altered from 1979 - 1981 to reflect the management and administration of petroleum and natural gas; the divisions were:
- Administration and Finance,
- Petroleum and Natural Gas,
- Engineering and Planning.
December 1975
In November 1975, the Natural Gas Pricing Agreement Act came into effect; this Act implemented the federal-Alberta agreement on natural gas pricing. Through a ministerial order in December 1975, the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission was given the responsibility to administer the Act; the commission's responsibilities included purchasing and selling the gas, and administering the Natural Gas Pricing Agreement Act Fund.
January 1974
Initial Mandate / Date of Founding
The Petroleum Marketing Act came into effect January 15, 1974, established the creation of the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission as a provincial crown corporation.

Administrative Relationships
The Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission submitted its first annual report to the Premier and the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources in 1974, and continued to do so until 1986, when its annual reports were submitted to the Minister of Energy.
March 1974
Functional Responsibilities
As an agent of the Crown with the right to acquire, sell, and exchange petroleum in Alberta, the APMC was directed to accept delivery of the Crown's royalty petroleum, to sell it within Alberta, and to pay the proceeds to the Provincial Treasure.
The commission was also made the exclusive agent to sell Crown lessees' share of petroleum, and pay the proceeds to the owners.
Effective March 1, 1974 the commission was authorized to collect all oil royalty revenues, and at the same time issued the first monthly Selling Price Bulletin, whereby the commission prescribed selling prices for petroleum produced from Crown Leases.